Monday, May 10, 2021

General Instruction to students for June - 2021 examinations


University of Mumbai Engineering Examinations

General Instructions for Students while Appearing for Online Examinations

Scheduled from 1st June, 15th June and 5th August, 2021

For BE Sem I to VIII and ME Sem I and II of Rev2012, Rev2016 and Rev2019 (wherever applicable)


      1. You are advised to be at the location where there is a good internet connectivity

2.      You must have sufficient internet data pack available for examination on your gadget

3.     Make sure that the gadget which you are using is fully charged before the commencement of the examination

4.      As far as possible use laptops or desktops with web camera for your exams

5.      Following activities during examination will be treated as unfair means / malpractice case
a.      Sharing screen with any other member
b.     Browsing other websites, taking screen shots and sharing the same with any other person or on social media
c.      Running any other application on the gadget through which you are appearing for the examination

6.      The question paper will have both MCQs and subjective/descriptive questions with equal weightage and based on entire syllabus.

7.     Duration of the examination is 2 hours, 1 hour 30 minutes and 1 hour for 80, 60 and 40 Marks respectively. You will get additional 15 to 20 minutes to scan and upload the answer paper.

8.     Online block wise supervisors similar to offline examinations will proctor the examination. They may verify the identity of the student appearing for the examination by seeing their college Identity Card or Hall Ticket or Aadhar Card or PAN Card.

9.     Examination Link sent to you will become active 5 minutes prior to the scheduled time on the date of examination. You are expected to start attempting the questions at scheduled examination time. The link will automatically get deactivated at the end of the scheduled time.

10.  Enter your personal information including examination seat number, wherever asked, with due care

11.   Please use A4/legal (full scape) size paper to write the answers of subjective questions.

12.   You have to write the semester and subject name along with his/her examination seat number, duly signed by him/her, and page number in typical format (current page number/total pages)
i.e. 2/7 or 3/10 (2 and 3 indicates current page number and 7 or 10 indicates total number of pages respectively on which answers are written) on each and every page.

13.   Use the scanning app to scan the question wise answers in PDF and upload the same using the specific link provided in the Google Form.
14.  It is mandatory for all the students to upload their answer papers in PDF on the same platform using the given uploading links

15.  If you face any difficulty in uploading your answer paper on the given link within the allocated time, consult block supervisor for help

16.   You are allowed to use non programmable calculator, working sheet (for any rough work)

17.   You are not allowed to leave your seat during complete examination time.

18.   Submit the responses without fail before leaving the examination platform. You shall submit your response only once for one course

      19.  If any problems arises due to which you are unable to appear for the examination or submit your responses, immediately inform this to your subject teacher or head of the department or the help line numbers of your college.

20.   You must maintain the sanctity of the examinations.

21.  Differently abled Students will get 20 minutes extra time with prior permission of the college authorities, after submitting proper documents.

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